Stalker Girl Reviews

“Graham takes a vilified behavior—in this case, stalking—and assigns it to her protagonist, and along the way manages to generate a surprising amount of sympathy. . . [T]here’s no doubting the intelligent structure and execution.”

Daniel Kraus, Booklist

Graham’s style is friendly and conversational, yet her storytelling is precise and controlled. She skillfully moves back and forth in the timeline for maximum impact. . . Carly is achingly believable . . .

Deborah Stevenson, Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books

A pitch-perfect cautionary tale of obsessive behavior, Stalker Girl is also an insightful and poignant story about how we always seem to be chasing the parts of ourselves that we think are missing.

Alex Green, Caught in the Carousel

Perhaps it was simply Graham’s phenomenal writing that cast a spell and pulled me into Carly madness… or perhaps it was the fact that we all have that small, dark part of ourselves . . . A+”

The Hiding Spot

Readers will . . . be both horrified and intrigued as a formerly ‘nice girl’ spirals out of control when a new girl enters her ex-boyfriend’s life. A cautionary tale for anyone who dates in the age of the Internet and is unable to disconnect even when it is time to say goodbye.

Morgan Doremus, RT Book Reviews

“So disturbing. So vivid. But I couldn’t look away. It was rather genius. . . [E]verything I could have asked for.”

Dreaming in Books

“I was entranced by Stalker Girl. It was simply mesmerizing.”

Tattooed Books

“I was often on the edge of my seat . . . Graham’s writing . . . flowed perfectly and showed true talent . . .”

Lauren’s Crammed Bookshelf

“[L]et’s face it, it’s pretty fascinating, albeit sad, to see someone spiral out of control.”

Steph the Bookworm